Project 3 - Photoresistor
Arduino Project 3 This time, the project is about our experience with any kind of sensor. My team decided to use a light sensor. Light sensor can detect the intensity of light in the environment. The sensor turns off a LED when there is darkness and vice versa. The process will be shown below. The first thing to do was gathering the components, which consists of: 1 Arduino UNO 1 Breadboard 1 Light Sensor 1 LED 1 10KΩ resistor Jumpers The circuit can be built like the picture shown below. In the picture, the LED's negative is connected to the ground of the Arduino and positive to digital pin 13 of the Arduino.The LDR's one pin is connected to 5V of the Arduino and second pin is connected to A0 of the Arduino and there is a resistor connected to the second pin of the LDR and then the resistor is connected to ground . After finish designed the circuit, we start to code and upload the sketch to the arduino board.. Finally! The project will work...