
Showing posts from February, 2017

Project 3 - Photoresistor

Arduino Project 3 This time, the project is about our experience with any kind of sensor. My team decided to use a light sensor. Light sensor can detect the intensity of light in the environment. The sensor turns off a LED when there is darkness and vice versa. The process will be shown below. The first thing to do was gathering the components, which consists of: 1 Arduino UNO 1 Breadboard 1 Light Sensor 1 LED 1 10KΩ resistor Jumpers The circuit can be built like the picture shown below.  In the picture, the LED's negative is connected to the ground of the Arduino and positive to digital pin 13 of the Arduino.The LDR's one pin is connected to 5V of the Arduino and second pin is connected to A0 of the Arduino and there is a resistor connected to the second pin of the LDR and then the resistor is connected to ground . After finish designed the circuit, we start to code and upload the sketch to the arduino board.. Finally! The project will work...

Project 2 - 7 Segment Display

Arduino Project 2 Halo~! Ini adalah proyek kedua kami. Kami menggunakan 7-segment pada proyek kedua ini. Menurut wikipedia , 7-segment adalah  salah satu  perangkat layar  untuk menampilkan sistem angka desimal  yang merupakan alternatif dari layar  dot-matrix . 7-segment Kami mencoba untuk menampilkan angka 0-9 secara berurutan pada 7-segment dengan menggunakan arduino. Berikut adalah alat dan bahan yang digunakan: Arduino UNO 7-segment Resistor 220 Ohm (2 buah) Beberapa kabel jumper Breadboard Komponen-komponen tersebut kemudian dirangkai seperti pada gambar di bawah ini. Setelah merangkai komponen, tentu kami harus membuat source code. Berikut adalah source code yang kami gunakan. Kemudian kami compile dan upload, lalu kami berhasil menampilkan angka 0-9 pada 7-segment. Berikut adalah beberapa gambar yang berhasil kami ambil.  Demikian proyek kedua dari kelompok kami. Semoga tulisan ini memberikan ma...

First Project - Switch

Arduino Project 1 The arduino that used is Arduino Uno and m y team consist of three people.   This first project is to make a LED on when a button is being pushed and off at the time the button is being pushed again. The processes will be shown below. The first thing to do was gathering the components. (Arduino Uno, breadboard, LED, 220Ohm & 10KOhm Resistor, push button)  Components The Circuit The black cable is connecting resistor to ground The red cable is connecting push button to 5V The green cable is connecting resistor to pin number 9 The orange cable is connecting LED to pin number 8  After that, we started to code and uploaded it to the arduino, and we tried until we succeed. Below is the source code that we used.  Source Code  and succeed! That's it, we're done. Thank you and have a good day :) Source:  here

My First Blog Post

Hello!   I'm Edria, a student of Bandung Institute of Technology majoring in Information System and Technology. I'll start writing on my blog~! This blog will be written in English and Bahasa :)